Looking for help?

Please reach out if you are looking for someone to guide you on your path to health and a life that resonates with who you are.

ADHD (Attention- deficit -disorder, attention -deficit -hyperactivity -disorder): Are you starting new projects before finishing what you have already started? Are you always losing your keys, your purse, or your wallet? Do you interrupt often when others are speaking or do others get upset that you are “not listening” even when they are speaking to you directly?
Attention and concentration deficits can be associated with poor organizational skills, greater impulsivity, motor vehicle accidents, poor performance at work and school, social difficulties, substance use, and other challenges. 

As an integrative psychiatrist I draw on over a decade of experience treating complex mental health and addiction issues with Western medicine, evidence-based therapies, holistic approaches, positive psychology and ancient wisdom traditions to provide evaluation and treatment options that help you to focus to attend to the things that matter to you.

Get in touch
Tamarack Psychiatry 802.404.5140